
Showing posts from November, 2017


I got assigned two pre-k students to create a book made by them with my help of putting it together. Each day we worked on coming up with different components of the story and combined both of their ideas together into one book. On the first few days we came up with characters and plots. We later worked on what the climax would be and then eventually how it resulted in the end. It was fun hearing their creativity be put onto paper through their drawing and by how they described the story to me. Although this was fun, we did struggle some days. Some days my students didn't want to draw and other days they didn't want to speak. One of them had a hard time staying on topic and would try to distract my other student, but she was able to pull it together. They also had a hard time coming up with new parts of the story so they would just repeat a scene even if I already reviewed what we had so far. So, it was challenging to get them to create new plots and situations in the story....

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I found it interesting how the teacher would read the student's work out loud to her and have her figure out what needs to be changed, but also with support to guide her to where her writing needs to improve. I like that she celebrates the student's simile choices and gives the student confidence in her writing. I feel like as I teach writing to my students, the thing that would be difficult for me to teach is grammar. I can speak and write how a sentence or paragraph needs to he structured, but to explain why and how to point that out would be difficult for me. My grammar is also not a strength of mine to begin with so it would be interesting to teach my students these things. I found it interesting how he changed up the material with how the students will learn to spell because as a student I enjoy a change up. Teaching spelling for me would be difficult because again, as we were taught to read and write, we don't always know why our language works the way it does. I...


You know what drives me crazy? School drives me crazy, and it drives me up the way because it's stressful. There is so much due and right when you think its possible to vet everything done on time, professors will unload group projects and other assignments. I already have so many things going on outside of school that all this on top makes it really hard not to get anxious. I'm tired! I just want to enjoy the Thanksgiving break and I knew I would have to work on assignments during the break but with more being added, I will have to work majority of the break. Where can I rest? Under all these due dates, I'm sufficating.  I know it could be much worse. I seriously can't handle school right now, but there are people that desperately wish to be in School. I will try to be more thankful.